Space Lift Plus Floor Plan Analysis For Home / Office


This is an in depth floor plan analysis report that adds in the dynamic aspect of energy as it changes with time. We will be tailoring a guide you can take to connect your actions to the space based on the yearly energy configuration.

We will deep dive into deconstructing the energy interaction between your house original energy map and the yearly energies visiting your space and look into special combinations with your own personal energy map base on your birth chart.

This analysis report will cover up to 5 occupants to ensure a more cohesive relationship dynamics inside your home or office.


With Spacelift, we have taken your love for space and clutter free lifestyle to a step further. To some, a clear mind and a clutter free space is only the beginning to improve liveability. While some others,  intuitively understand that a home is more than just nicely interiored spaces and extravagant funishings. We also find that the same concept of uplifting the energy of the space is highly beneficial for the workplace, thus we apply the same techniques to help you to manifest  work-related goals.

An expanded version of Space Lift Energy Flow Analysis is highly recommended to get an in depth application and connectivity to your space not just for yourself but to everyone living with you or sharing the same workplace. We do this by intergrating the dynamic aspect of energy as it changes through time and making sure that the benefit of using the spaces is extended to everyone. The more people is supported by the home and office, the happier and more successful are the people in it. So share it!