Discover Your True Love Nature (& Your Partner’s)


Your Love Imprint Analysis Report will include solutions to the difficulties in your relationships. Some of the issues where our clients request for insights and advise are:

What to do to attract a partner who best matches his.her personality?

How to communicate my needs and wants to my partner?

What is it that can truly make me happy in a relationship?

Who is my true love match?

How to get out of a troubled relationship?

How to create harmony in my relationships?

Why is my marriage so stale?

There are more love issues that we have heard and seen in our clients and always the blame is put on the «imperfection» of the partner, not understanding, not connecting on the emotional level. But more more often than not, the issue actually starts from a much deeper layer of not knowing their «true self».  This problem  presents in many forms as lacking clarity of what he/she really wants in a relationship, inability to lead an authentic conversation with the partner, lacking the conviction, low self esteem, self value is defined by validation from others and many other counterproductive mindset and habits that sets their relationships to failure.

Your Love Imprint Analysis Report will bring insights you have not thought of before and will shine a light on a new approach you can take to intentionally create your successful path towards a loving & lasting love relationship.


Discovering your true love nature will ease out many difficulties in relationship building. Your authentic nature found in your Love Chart have key elements that indicates your success in choosing the best partner who can complement you or dealing with your current partner through intentional alignment and adjustment according to your love archetype. The more you know how you are in matters of love, the better chances of you forging a happy, meaningful and lasting relationships.