Career Suitability Analysis
The Career Suitability Analysis Report goes deeper into your personal charts and find the indicators of what can help you create a meaningful and soul aligned career. By doing so, you are able to:
-Save time working on the wrong jobs
– Keeping yourself from utilising your natural talents and skills
– Identify your strengths and weaknesses and use the information to form your «power team»
-Work smart rather than working hard
– Be inspired at work and deliver your best value
– Aligning your work efforts with your extraordinary talents to finally bring forth the radical impact at the workplace or organisation you are working for.
-Create actionable steps on how to redefine your career path.
Your work and way of earning is all about energy exchange. The more you align your work efforts to your true potential and skills, the more you will find your work lighter, fun and work goals become a breeze to achieve.
Feeling unfulfilled and lack of meaning in what you do for a living is the worst place you can get into whether you are just starting off in building your career or have been dragging your feet going to work for the fear of losing a job or you just simply don’t know what else to do if you decide to quit.
Career Suitability Analysis will look into your natal energy chart and destiny map for key indicators of what sort of jobs are best for you to pursue and recommend you the next steps towards creating a fulfilling career.